Thursday, April 12, 2012

Auntie Kim

On March 31, 2012 we lost our dear Auntie Kim to her battle with cancer.  She is Miss Musical's Godmother and one of the best Aunties out there.  Auntie Kim lived far away and we did not get to see her as often as we would have liked but we were blessed to visit with her both at Thanksgiving this year and then again about 3 weeks before she passed away.

Kim taught me so much in the last weeks of her life.  She suffered so much towards the end but she was a true example of grace and strength.  Always thinking of others before herself even in her last moments here on earth.  We are rejoicing in the knowledge that she is no longer suffering and she is with our Lord.  She will be missed so much by those of us here who were blessed to know and love her.  Until we meet again...Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
 June 11, 1971 - March 31, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter - He is Risen!!

This year our Easter holiday was a bit different than usual.  We traveled to Boston for a funeral and spent the weekend with our brother so he would not be alone for his first holiday without his beloved wife.

The funeral was Holy Thursday and I can honestly say it was the most beautiful funeral I have ever been to.  As sad as it was, I could not help but appreciate the strength of my lovely sister's dear sisters as they read the word of God and the beauty of the music selected by my brother in law.  The Boston Boys Choir sang at the Mass as my brother is part of their Schola group.  Not a dry eye in the house and a lovely tribute to our dear Kim.  Flowers were given to all the nieces at the cemetery because Kim would have loved that.

Good Friday was a day of mourning for our Lord and our sister.  It was spent with family and close friends.  Holy Saturday was also spent with family and friends, reflecting and remembering.

Easter Sunday we attended Mass in Boston with some family.  Mass was gorgeous and the girls did amazing since it was nearly 2 hours long.  Afterwards we went to lunch with Daddy's brother, sister and her husband, and our lovely niece.  Then we took one last trip to the lovely historical cemetery to pay our respects before heading back home.  It was a long drive and a late night but I feel thankful and blessed that we were all able to be together.

Four of my lovely daughters and their cousin

Miss Busy
My younger 4 - with the chaos of the day I did not get a picture with all 5.  Miss Dramatic
seemed to be camera shy this day for once!