Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I celebrated my 38th birthday.  I don't usually do very much for my birthday but this year I am counting all my blessings.  We have a nice home, great family, and wonderful friends.  I have a fantastic husband who does a great job providing all that we need and some of what we want.  I also have 5 beautiful daughters that keep me laughing, smiling, and hopping!

We ordered dinner from a local Italian restaurant that I love and had a lovely meal at home - that I didn't have to cook!  I had Gnocchi with Vodka sauce, salad, bread, and a nice glass of Moscato wine.  I made myself a cherry cheesecake because it is my absolute favorite food in the world, but Hubby surprised me by having a cake delivered by a dear friend who makes DELICIOUS cakes.  Too much cake?  Not a bad problem to have on a birthday!

My family got me a kindle reader.  I wasn't sure if I would like one, because I am a book lover and traditionalist but I am hooked!  I got the one that looks more like an actual page - not the version that is like an ipad.  I could not believe all the books that I can get for free!  I stocked up on GK Chesterton and many other classics that I have been wanting to read.  Now I can not complain that I have nothing to read.  I don't think that my family could have picked a better gift for this book lover!

My Hubby also got me a beautiful silver crucifix necklace and a medal of the Immaculate Conception (miraculous medal) because I have been wanting one.  Thanks honey!!

My oldest daughter and her best friend decorated the house for the festivities and my younger 4 provided entertainment with a play, dancing, and singing after cake.

I not only survived turning 38, but I enjoyed it.  Thank you Jesus for all that I have.

Door coming in from the garage

Streamers on a column - nice touch!

Happy Birthday sign and cute baby

My delicious cheesecake!

Beautiful and delicious cake made by a dear friend.  Recipe is TOP SECRET
but I keep tasting it to figure it out!  :)

Miss Dancer and her Best Friend

Miss Baby and The Comedian anxiously awaiting a piece of cake

Miss Busy moving too fast for a good shot

Miss Musical ready to entertain us

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