Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  Our day started with Mass, the my Hubby made me my favorite omelet for breakfast!  Omelet with spinach, tomato, and feta cheese.  Mmmmmmm!   We had a leisurely morning and early afternoon and then we headed over to our neighbor's house for some manual labor and a cook out.  Our yard is very hilly and shady so our neighbor offered us a small plot next to her garden so we could garden this year too!  She is so wonderful.  We are thinking about getting a few chickens and will try to reciprocate with some delicious eggs.

So we all went down and dug out our plot and planted some veggies.  I am not the best gardener but I really like the idea and I really want to be good at it.  That counts for something, right?  :)  Turns out that Miss Dramatic is excellent at digging and planting!  She was a huge help in getting our garden started.

We planted lettuce, spinach, zucchini, red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes (3 kinds) and squash.  I am doing container strawberries and herbs on our front steps.  We used to get all of our veggies from a local CSA but they are no longer farming and this is much cheaper and closer to home.  What a great summer project for the kids too!

Miss Busy and friend looking for worms

Our First (hopefully of many) family garden!

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